June 26, 2024

2024 Vancouver Asian Heritage Month Recognition Award winner Allan Cho

Congratulations to Allan Cho who received the 2024 Vancouver Asian Heritage Month Recognition Award.  VAHMS honoured individuals who make significant contributions to fostering, promoting, and celebrating the arts and cultural diversity that Asian Canadian communities bring to Canadian society.   A distinguished community leader and cultural advocate, renowned for his dedication to promoting Asian heritage and culture in Vancouver, Allan is the Executive Director of the Asian Canadian Writers' Workshop (ACWW), an organization dedicated to supporting and promoting Asian Canadian literature and writers. Cho also serves as the Festival Director of the LiterASIAN Festival, North America's first Asian literary festival, and is the Editor of Ricepaper Magazine, a long-running publication focused on Asian Canadian arts and culture.  In addition to his roles in ACWW, Cho is an academic librarian at the University of British Columbia's Irving K. Barber Learning Centre. His responsibilities include community engagement, particularly with historically underrepresented groups, and he leads initiatives on equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI).